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7 Laws To Note In 2019

Writer's picture: Myers AttorneysMyers Attorneys

At Myers we focus on our clients and attention to detail. The legal sphere is ever changing, for your convenience we have picked out some laws that you should note, keep tabs on and comply with in 2019.

  1. For those who are employed or do the employing, note that as of 1 January 2019 the minimum wage is R20 an hour. The only exceptions are domestic workers, farm/forestry workers and workers employed in expanded public works programmes which will see changes later in the year.

  2. For all dads (biological, adopting or fostering) who are about to have a new born in the house this is a reminder that as of 1 January 2019 paid paternity leave is to be allowed but is claimed from UIF not the employer.

  3. All parents not covered by maternity leave may now take parental leave up to 10 consecutive days, provided they have worked for a minimum of 13 weeks.

  4. For all smokers you can face prison time up to 3 months and/ or hefty fines if you do not comply with tobacco legislation. This is what’s in the pipeline for this year: no more indoor smoking in public places as all designated smoking areas are to be removed from restaurants, no outdoor smoking in public places (including residential common areas) and outdoor designated areas are to be 10 metres from public entrances. All vapers, e-smokers, hub users and general electronic smokers pay attention to existing smoking laws and future smoking laws as they apply equally to you.

  5. Last year the use of marijuana was made legal but only for personal use in private. So, what this entails is that you cannot smoke in any public areas nor possess any on your person in public – basically you can only smoke/ use marijuana at home. Also note that if you are under the influence you may not drive because if tested positive you are driving under the influence and this is still illegal.

  6. To those who deal with the legal profession regularly, the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014 now allows people to approach Advocates directly, but it must be noted that the Advocate must have a fidelity fund certificate. It is important ask if they have one and if not presented or existing you may need to consult with attorneys to assist you with your matter.

  7. All alcohol consumers, this is a reminder that your blood may not have an alcohol content of more than 0.05% or 0.05g per 100ml . There are many factors which determine your blood- alcohol level including weight, fitness, what meals you have consumed prior or during consumption. Generally the limit is met when you consume: two thirds of a beer/ spirit cooler with 5% alcohol content; or 75ml of wine per hour with an alcohol content between 12% - 14%; or a whiskey/ brandy tot of 25ml per hour. SAPS have warned that they no longer have any tolerance and you will either see jail time of 2 years and/or be given a fine of at least R2000.00 and over and above the aforementioned, you could lose your licence permanently or it may be suspended. Regardless, you will acquire a criminal record.

For any queries regarding the information above please contact Myers Attorneys on 011 346 2422 or

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