Registration with the consumer goods and services ombudsman as required under section 82(6) of the consumer protection act
The Consumer Goods and Services Ombudsman (CGSO) is the accredited consumer goods and services industry complaints-handling structure set up in accordance with section 82(6) of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (CPA).
The CGSO, through an industry Code, guides the industry on the minimum standards of conduct expected when engaging with consumers and assists in resolving disputes that arise between consumers and the industry under the Act.
The Code applies to all parties involved in the supply chain who directly or indirectly provide, market and/or offer to supply goods and services to consumers unless they are specifically excluded. The Code applies to, among others, producers, importers, distributors and retailers of goods, and to service providers. Importantly, this means that adherence to the Code is mandatory unless limited exceptions apply.

Once registered a party will need to do the following:
Establish an effective Internal Complaints-Handling Process
Monitor processes for the internal complaints-handling procedure and effectiveness.
Display prominently on all their trading premises by means of the CGSO decal
Ensure that a copy of the Code and/or a summary thereof and their Internal Complaints-Handling Process is made available to any Consumer upon request and/or the Consumers are directed as to where to obtain a copy of the Code and/or their Internal Complaints-Handling Process.
Ensure that the relevant staff and agents in their business have adequate knowledge of the CPA and the Regulations issued thereunder, including the Code and their own Internal Complaints-Handling Process.
Ensure, where possible, that they keep proper records for a minimum of 3 (three) years of the complaints that are received.
Co-operate with all reasonable requests made by the CGSO in a timely manner.
Myers Attorneys can assist with registration and/or ensuring that the requirements under the Code are complied with, for any queries regarding the above or assistance on contracts or any other commercial needs please contact Myers Attorneys on 011 346 2422 or reception@myersattorneys.co.za
You can also visit our website www.myersattorneys.co.za